Thursday, July 21, 2011

Flag and Currency

New Zealand National Flag

This became New Zealand's national flag in 1902. It was used prior to this year as early as 1869 only for government ships. The stars on the flag represent the constellation of crux, also known as the southern cross seen from New Zealand. The flag was designed based upon the British Union flag("New Zealand Tourism Guide").

Tino Rangatiratanga

This is the Maori flag of independence. Each color represents a different meaning for the Maori; black for potentiality, white for the physical world of light and understanding, red for open daylight, and the mixture of the colors together. The spiral in the middle (koru) represents the unfolding of new life("New Zealand Tourism Guide").

The Silver Fern

The silver fern flag is a symbol of New Zealand's national pride. Some people of New Zealand view this flag as their national flag as it represents their independence from the British ("New Zealand Tourism Guide").

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New Zealand Currency

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$1.00 New Zealand Dollar = $0.81 U.S. Dollar
(" ")

Works Cited

"The New Zealand Flag." New Zealand Tourism Guide. N.p., 2010. Web. 22 Jul 2011. .

"The Currency Converter." . N.p., 2011. Web. 22 Jul 2011. .

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